Why Do Fans Help You Sleep? 5 Top Reasons Explained!

blowing fan

Are you a dedicated member of the Sleeping Under The Fan club? If you’re like me, the cool breeze from the fan has become an addiction that needs to be fed no matter the prevailing room temperature.

Come to think of it, have you wondered why the nights become more enjoyable whenever you switch on the fan? Well, the feeling of a cool breeze on the skin in the middle of the night can feel nothing short of amazing.

Besides, the noise from the fan’s moving blades may also drown out other kinds of noise that can affect your sleep while the cool breeze on the skin lowers your body temperature.

This is the underlying reason why fans can become such a major part of our sleep routines.

Why do Fans Help you Fall Asleep?

1. White Noise 

Are you wondering whether the noise emanating from the moving blades of a fan actually can help you sleep? Well, the answer is yes, it can.

If you live in a large city or a loud part of a suburb then chances are you may hear lots of noise at night when you’re trying to drift off.

This could be disturbing sounds from slamming cars to wailing kids and even couples screaming at each other during fights. Whatever the cause of these disturbing noises, sleep can be hard to come by especially if it happens just when you’re drifting off into Snoozeland.

Well, while many of us know that loud noise and good sleep do not mix too well, we’re probably aware that some kinds of noise can be good for sleep in some instances. For example, have you noticed that the sound of rainfall at night gives you the most amazing sleep experiences?

I know you probably have. This is because falling rain can virtually drown out any other kind of noise in the environment. The result is a significant boost in sleep even among chronic insomniacs who toss and turn in bed all night long.

Just head to YouTube and you’ll find tons of white noise in the form of everything from falling rain to thunderstorms with tens of millions of views. These white noises are not only used as sleep aids but can also come in handy for stress relief and meditating during the day.

Others struggle to sleep unless they have televisions or radios running in the background throughout the night. This is all thanks to the white noises produced by those gadgets.

Some consumers have confessed that the vibrating sounds from fans offer soothing relief for their ears and allows them to not only fall asleep quicker but receive the right quality of shuteye required to function at their maximum levels during the day.

This is thanks to the oscillation of the fan’s blades which creates different frequencies of noise that can feel relaxing to the ears and induce good sleep.

2. Keeps You Cool

Have you ever been forced to sleep unaided during a heatwave? If yes, it could one of the worst nights of your life.

Sleeping under heat can be extremely difficult. From the constant sweating to the tossing and turning due to the extreme body temperature, you can be sure of a long night when the room temperature is hot.

Fortunately, going to bed under a running fan may keep the excessive heat problems at bay thanks to the cool breeze from the moving blades which provides soothing relief for the skin. This can lower your body temperature for favorable sleep.

Remember, body temperature correlates directly with sleep. The lower the temperature, the easier it is to hit the hay and vice versa.

According to the Circadian Rhythm, the optimum body temperature for good sleep ranges between 60 degrees to 67 degrees. Anything less or more and you’re looking at either severe discomfort or even death.

The good news is that the human body thermoregulates meaning it can maintain certain temperatures as and when needed. Switching on your bedroom fan at bedtime can cool the body’s temperature which alerts the brain of the intention to sleep.

Natural hot sleepers generally have a harder time sleeping as their bodies stay hot even in moderate heat. However, sleeping under a running fan may lower the temperature to the optimum range to increase their chances of sleeping well.

Women undergoing menopause can also benefit from sleeping under a running fan. Due to the constant hormonal changes, temperature regulation can become difficult. A higher percentage of such women suffer frequent hot flashes which keeps them wide awake throughout the night.

Fortunately, switching the bedroom fan on can provide the much-needed cool breeze for significant improvements in sleep quality. 

The quality of my sleep has improved significantly since I started switching on the Honeywell QuietSet 8-Speed Whole Room Tower Fan from Amazon 2 months ago. It blasts a spring-like breeze throughout the bedroom for superior shuteye during summer heatwaves.

3. Improved Ventilation

bedroom with bed, bed sheets, pillows, and nightstand

Running a fan while you sleep may improve the ventilation in the bedroom. If you’ve ever tried to sleep in a room with stuffy air, then you can relate to how uncomfortable it can be. Sometimes, the room can feel so stale that you may begin to experience shortness of breath.

If you’re claustrophobic, sleeping with a fan turned on can make it easier to enjoy the right quantity and quality. After all, those who have been diagnosed with that phobia in particular usually struggle to relax in environments where there is minimal ventilation.

The oscillating noises from the fan coupled with the easy movement of air across the bedroom in question can ease up those fears and promote good sleep.

For rooms that have been vacant for a while, it is important to open the windows and doors to enhance ventilation even before you get to bed.

If there are 2 windows, open both to determine which one allows more air inside. Then place a standing fan or box fan in front of that window and switch it on so it can blow air from one window to the other.

This should quickly get rid of the stuffy air so you can breathe in pleasant air by the time you retire to bed.

4. Gets Rid of Funky Smells

Turning on the fan is the default action we all take the moment we smell something funky in our bedrooms or any other part of the home. This reflex action occurs because we’ve grown accustomed to the ability of fans to get rid of any lingering scents.

This is another great reason why you should sleep with your fan on. From a partner’s farts to other forms of biological smells, fans can keep the air in our bedrooms pleasant in many ways.

Sometimes, dead insects such as roaches and rodents such as rats can develop pungent smells which can be unbearable for our noses.

Even after removing their carcasses and cleaning your bedroom, the smell can still linger for hours or even days.

Thankfully, turning on the fan can speed up this odor removal process. Since sleeping in a smelly room is no mean feat, the running fan can give you truly deserving nights even if you naturally struggle to doze off.

The days of staying awake due to nauseating scents can be a thing of the past when you sleep under a running fan.

The Ultimate Aromatherapy Diffuser with Essential Oils from Amazon helps me sleep quicker and longer. It provides a constant stream of sweet scents to eliminate pungent smells from smoking, pets, and other sources in the bedroom. I highly recommend it.

5. Relatively Affordable 

Fans are a poor man’s version of air conditioners and central air systems. They provide a pleasant cool breeze to lower the body temperature and improve sleep without requiring breaking the bank.

This can be a great way to cool the bedroom at night even when money is tight. The good news is that there are different kinds of fans on the market meaning you can have one blowing in your face tonight.

Except for ceiling fans, the other types may not require any form of installation which can make further dents in your pocket.

Air conditioners, on the other hand, can cost several hundreds of dollars. Even the portable models may need professional installation which can set you back an extra $100 or so. You’ll also have to spend money on refiling the gas at periodic intervals.

Any faults you encounter in the future may also require professional help which can lead to extra costs.

Thus, fans can be significantly affordable when compared to air conditioners. They’re also relatively low maintenance with fewer faults. As long as you keep your fan’s blades clean, you shouldn’t encounter any problems.

Can Sleeping with the Fan On Make You Sick?

This is one of the most common questions people ask about sleeping while the fan is running. So, can sleeping under the fan make you sick? The answer is yes. Sore throats, postnasal drips, dehydration, muscle stiffness, and sinusitis are conditions that have been linked with sleeping under the fan.

If that is the case why do so many people continue to switch on their fans immediately they arrive in bed at night?

Well, that is because all of the health conditions listed in the previous paragraph may not directly result from sleeping under the fan. They’re usually caused by the prevailing conditions in your bedroom or sleeping environment.

For instance, if you fail to drink lots of water then you could easily wake up to dry lips and other signs of dehydration as the cool breeze from the fan continues to make direct contact with the skin.

Besides, post-nasal drips occur when your body produces excess mucus in its bid to keep your nasal passages wet. The surplus mucus can become thicker while sleeping under the fan. This may give the uncomfortable feeling of the mucus moving from your nose down the throat. 

Additionally, many folks experience breathing difficulties when they sleep with their fans. This can lead to severe side effects for those who’ve been diagnosed with asthma and other allergies.

However, this is usually caused by the accumulation of dust particles in the sleeper’s nose. Since the fans’ blades blow up everything in their paths, any dirt and dust in the bedroom will likely be blown towards you leading to the accidental inhalation of those particles.

Thus, while sleeping with a fan may induce sickness indirectly, precautions such as keeping the room dust-free and staying hydrated throughout the day can prevent infections and illnesses.

Have you read the article we wrote on sleeping with a post-nasal drip? Click here for insights on how to gain relief from the condition.

Sleeping With a Fan and Sore Throats

blonde suffering a sore throat

Unfortunately, sleeping under a fan can increase the risk of a sore throat. This is especially common among those who drink small amounts of water, sleep directly with the fan’s cool breeze hitting their faces, and like to put the fan at maximum capacity.

Sore throats occur when the body is robbed of enough moisture in the mouth and throat. While you may enjoy the fan’s cool breeze directly hitting your face, know that this can lead to severe mouth dryness by evaporating the existing moisture.

Unless you keep hydrating throughout the night, your chances of waking up to hurtful throat can surge rapidly. However, since you will probably only wake up once or twice during the night and will likely drink minimal amounts of water, we recommend turning the fan away from your face, throat, and chest area.

Check out the article we wrote on why sleeping with your fan running causes sore throats. You’ll be amazed at the tips and tricks we reveal.

Why You Need to Get a Humidifier 

Just like its name, humidifiers keep the atmosphere in rooms humid. In other words, it keeps the room moist which makes it more difficult to suffer dehydration even when you sleep directly under the fan.

Humidifiers are great for those of us who are fan addicts as well as those who hate drinking water. If you love the feeling of the cool breeze from your fan blowing in your face, you need to get a humidifier today.

It can make a huge difference in comfort levels and allow you to sleep cool without waking up to sore throats, postnasal drips, and other reactions.

The home Ultrasonic Humidifier has made my life so much easier since I bought it 3 months ago from Amazon. I’m now able to sleep directly under a running fan without waking up to a sore throat and my friends have reported similar results after I recommended it to them. It works for 100 hours straight and my humidifier experience concerning bedroom air quality has been nothing less than eye-opening.

Is Sleeping with the Fan On Good for You?

The answer is yes. The majority of bedtime fan lovers like me sleep with the fan virtually all night. I love the cool sensation from a blowing fan and see no reason why I should stop.

There have been no links between sleeping under the fan and any long-term effects so you can continue as long as you take the right precautions. Some of the top tips to minimize any potential side effects include:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Don’t sleep directly under the fan
  • Close your mouth while you sleep
  • Keep your room clean and dust-free
  • Get a humidifier
  • Sleep on your sides


You’ve now gone through the numerous positives of sleeping under the fan. Tens of millions of people from all over the world cannot go wrong- fans can be a great addition to your bedroom routine no matter where you live or your circumstances.

They come in various types, carry affordable price tags, and are low-maintenance. Hopefully, you’ll be able to incorporate fans to help you sleep better especially during summer heatwaves and other not-so-cold periods.

Gabriel Smith

Hello, my name is Gabriel and I LOVE to sleep. Okay, you’re right, a lot of people do like sleep. But my passion is actually not sleeping. My interest lies in the “theoretical part”. What to do before bedtime. What a good night’s sleep is. etc. In short, how to sleep well. I hope you share the same interest as me, and enjoy reading everything about sleep.

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